81 Pro Tips on Cesareans with Melissa Uhlir Coaching + a Bonus Coaching Call with Melissa and Me on How I Grew Birth Story to a 6 figure business in under 2 years


Meet executive coach Melissa Uhlir! She discusses her two cesarean births and shares tips and tricks to living your best life.

Melissa Uhlir is my executive coach. The way in which we found each other was simply designed by God. I had transitioned away from corporate america to be a stay at home mom for my son with cerebral palsy. Then, just as I was getting the hang of taking care of my two littles as my full time job-my marriage ended traumatically. My husband died in a way....and my new story began. Melissa was right there to help me RISE, build, grow my dream business. In under 2 years, I went from ZERO $$$ to a thriving 6 figure + business with her help. 

Today, she shares about her two cesarean sections after a breech presentation and the fun of having your water rupture prior to your planned c-section. This episode is full of tips and tricks on how to live your best life, how to make big changes, and how to plan and prepare for a great C-section and recovery! Enjoy!




Melissa is offering a FREE 1-1 coaching session with anyone who books a package with her and uses code BIRTHSTORY. This is a $200 value! Ready to look into your heart, dreams, passions and make a change? Hire Melissa today! You won't regret it!

Heidi Snyderburn