A full guide to eating dates during pregnancy with recipes included!
The first ever comprehensive guide to the enneagram and what it says about the type of labor support you may need!
The very best labor positions for early labor through active labor and pushing! Whether you are going unmedicated or have an epidural on your team, this guide will show you the way!
Favorite baby products for 2021 as mentioned on the Birth Story Podcast
Space to capture your birth preferences to help you be your best advocate during your birthing time.
To circumcise or not to circumcise? Here is everything you need to know about the procedures.
What can you do when your baby is head up? Here is my guide on how to help flip your breech baby.
Curious about the benefits of delayed cord clamping? This guide outlines the procedure and the benefits of delaying.
Why you should invest in hiring a doula TODAY and what to ask during your interviews.
By 36 weeks this is what should be packed and ready to go for you, your partner, and your baby!