SPED: Baby's Station, Position, Effacement & Dilation
baby’s station
What you need to know during a cervical exam and why your baby’s station is the most critical number
As a birth doula, the most important number to me is your baby’s station. That is where your baby is at in regard to your pelvis and ischial spines.
If your baby is high still, you may receive a number like -3 or -2. However, as your baby’s head becomes more engaged (deep squats help) in your pelvis, the higher the number. Anything positive is a good sign of labor progression. The further descended your baby’s head, the higher the number and the closer they are to being in your arms. So you can be 10 cm dilated, but if your baby’s head is at a -2 station, you may be laboring longer than if your baby was at a +2 station.